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Nutrition Facts

COVID-19, The Immune System & Stress - Part II

COVID-19, The Immune System & Stress - Part II

We want to prevent infection by avoiding the viruses and also protecting ourselves in instances where we may have come into contact with the viruses.  Health authorities openly acknowledge that the body fights the illness. This implies the immune system is paramount to surviving the illness. One may ask why these authorities do not recommend supplementation and other measures to bolster the immune system.

COVID-19, The Immune System & Stress - Part I

COVID-19, The Immune System & Stress - Part I

There are currently no specific treatments for COVID-19. By now we are all too familiar with the recommendations from these health authorities. What else can we, as individuals and families, do to be best prepared for current and perhaps similar future threats?

The Skinny on Nascent Iodine

The Skinny on Nascent Iodine

Nascent Iodine goes by many names including Magnascent Iodine, Detoxadine, Detoxified Iodine and Atomidine.  Nascent Iodine must not be confused with Lugol’s Iodine or the Zen Haus Dual Form Iodine...

Iodine Discovery: Sweat Breakthrough

Iodine Discovery: Sweat Breakthrough

With more time on my hands I was able to pursue and learn about the interests and ideas I had over the years, but never had time to follow-up on, because of my busy schedule. One of my interests was in nutritional supplements because I had experienced their benefits first hand.

While I was learning about the rich world of nutrition, I came across a post on iodine deficiency. As I read, I was excited and surprised that my symptoms were listed: feeling colder than usual, dry skin and eyes, and inability to sweat. Then suddenly my seaweed eating experience in Toronto sprung to mind.

Iodine Discovery: First Clue

Iodine Discovery: First Clue

But that is where it stayed. My life got caught-up in its business, and my focus was elsewhere. I lead the kind of lifestyle where tolerable discomforts can easily go unnoticed. It wasn’t until 7 years later (see next blog) that I realized the catalyst may have been the seaweed, and more specifically the iodine in it.