Nutrition Facts
Vitamin D Deficiency - Part 1
If sunlight is the primary source of Vit-D production, and it is free and accessible to everyone, then why do we have such high rates of deficiency? Barriers to Vit-D production may exist at different stages. The following 5 factors contribute to Vit-D deficiency...
Iodine Discovery: Sweat Breakthrough
With more time on my hands I was able to pursue and learn about the interests and ideas I had over the years, but never had time to follow-up on, because of my busy schedule. One of my interests was in nutritional supplements because I had experienced their benefits first hand.
While I was learning about the rich world of nutrition, I came across a post on iodine deficiency. As I read, I was excited and surprised that my symptoms were listed: feeling colder than usual, dry skin and eyes, and inability to sweat. Then suddenly my seaweed eating experience in Toronto sprung to mind.
Iodine Discovery: First Clue
But that is where it stayed. My life got caught-up in its business, and my focus was elsewhere. I lead the kind of lifestyle where tolerable discomforts can easily go unnoticed. It wasn’t until 7 years later (see next blog) that I realized the catalyst may have been the seaweed, and more specifically the iodine in it.
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