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Other Supplements - Part 1



Other Supplements - Part 1




Niacin is important for the body’s metabolism. It helps keep the nervous system, digestive system and skin healthy. It is used in many functions in the body and is an excellent companion to both Vitamin C and Iodine. Niacin supports proper cognition and is even used to help treat mental disorders including bi-polar disorder.


Niacin can have a flush-effect if enough is taken. The harmless flush results from the dilation of small blood vessels in your skin. Your skin may become red, warm, and itchy. This usually doesn’t last more than 20-30 minutes however with a high dosage or high sensitivity the sensations can be uncomfortable. As you continue taking niacin the flush-effect will be less likely and less severe. No-flush niacin is available however it is harder on the liver and so we do not recommend it.


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